Dear comrades,
The Central Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of the Spanish State wants to send you our warmest, most supportive, proletarian and revolutionary greetings on this important celebration of your 50th anniversary.
It has been 50 years since the Turkish proletariat and masses recovered their vanguard Party after the break with revisionism carried out by comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya and which gave birth to the glorious TKP/ML.
This outstanding fact cannot be separated from the important international situation that was taking place in those years, as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was unfolding in China, which, with its impressive mass mobilisation, was roaring throughout the world and served as an example for the birth of new Communist Parties all over the world. It was also a time when the struggle against Soviet revisionism and US imperialism was reaching its peak, the fruit of the advance of the class struggle and the International Communist Movement led by Chairman Mao Tse Tung.
Since then, your Party has been leading the People’s War in Turkey with the TIKKO and the other organisations generated, such as the TMLGB, which enable the development of the armed struggle for the seizure of power and the establishment of the New Democracy in your country, applying in this way the importance of the three instruments of the revolution theorised by Chairman Mao Tse Tung.
The 50 years of your Party’s life are undoubtedly an example for the entire international communist movement. You are an example of struggle, of the development of the People’s War, of martyrs who have given their lives for the revolution, among them İbrahim Kaypakkaya, Mehmet Demirdağ, Ümit Çağlayan San, Ümit Dinler, Dilek Konuk, Duran Salman, Özgür Kemal Karabulut, before whom the international proletariat raises its red flags as a sign of respect. In short, you have given 50 years of service to the Turkish working class for the conquest of power.
Your Party is the heir of the historical Turkish Communist Movement and the Communist Party of Turkey founded in 1921 under the protection of the Third International in the famous Azerbaijan Meeting, after which 15 communist leaders, including Mustafa Saphi, were assassinated, showing the brutality of the Kemalist regime.
Our Party, as you know, has recently assumed Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as its ideology. We assume that Maoism is the third, new and higher stage of the scientific ideology of the proletariat. In order to arrive at this understanding of ideology, our Party has studied your texts in depth, which have been an important source for us and which have enabled us to advance in our ideological development.
We would like to point out the importance of your First Congress, held just three years ago, in 2019. While there was a general line since the First Conference in 1978, it was this First Congress that drew the line of your Party in all fields, consolidating the revolutionary line of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, defending and applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, making it clear that you did not intend to give up the People’s War, as the highest example that revolutionary violence is a universal law, as Chairman Mao Tse Tung masterfully expressed in these words:
“The seizure of power by force of arms, the solution of the problem by war, is the main task and the highest form of the revolution. This Marxist-Leninist principle of revolution applies to China as well as to all countries”.
Your Congress also served to masterfully describe Turkey as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal state, which is why New Democracy is an indispensable step for the socialist development of your country. This is the very basis of the fascist Kemalist Turkish regime, which is led by Erdogan today.
We want to emphasize the important contribution that your Party makes to the national question. Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya exposed, on the Marxist-Leninist basis, the national question in an illustrious way. He stated that the Kurds and the Turks are different nations, and as such the national question in Turkey must be dealt with.
At the moment Turkey plays a key role in the imperialist world politics, serving as a meeting place for the talks between Ukraine and Russia in the middle of the war. Turkey is close to this war because of its geographical location, which is why NATO is taking a special interest in Turkey. Moreover, we should not forget how the USA has historically used Turkey, imposing its military interests, because of the vital strategic enclave it occupies.
Our two Parties have started a year ago a bilateral relationship that we are building on the basis of discussion and joint work. These are the points that allow our relations to become more solid.
Our Party has always considered your Party as a great reference in the International Communist Movement, both for all that we have said and for all the revolutionary work that you develop day by day. In spite of being a young Party, we have always considered that we had to make an effort to advance ideologically and to get to know experiences that are of great use to us, that is why we want to thank you publicly for the help you have given us in everything we have needed, as well as for your frank and open attitude in all the meetings we have held.
Our Party joined the call that your Party made public for the celebration of the Week of the Party and of the martyrs of the revolution, thus spreading your people’s war and your positions throughout Spain.
We want to use this letter to honour all the martyrs of your Party, all the militants who are currently imprisoned and who have made the Turkish prisons an important centre of the communist ideology, thus serving the Turkish revolution at all times. These comrades are a symbol of the sacrifices that communist militancy demands, and that is why we must honour and defend them. The release of imprisoned communists must be a constant struggle that we wage in all countries of the world, thus showing the international solidarity that we communists carry in our DNA.
This 50th anniversary is a symbol for the whole international working class, for the International Communist Movement, because you are an example of the defence and application of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, of the necessity of People’s War, of mass work with a correct line, and the importance of the correct handling of the two-line struggle, because there has not been a single day since your birth when you have not been attacked by fascism, opportunism, reformism, or revisionism.
APRİL 2022