On behalf of Serve the People – Communist League of Norway, we welcome the Martyrs’ Remembrance Week with deep feelings of communist pride and proletarian internationalism.
The martyrs of the People’s War in Turkey, the comrades who gave their lives for the TKP/ML and TIKKO, have a special place in the heart of the international proletariat. They form an immortal column with the martyrs of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the whole world. This column continues to fight, continues to win victories and materialises in the international communist movement. As dialectical materialists, we understand that everything that exists is matter and movement. The martyrs, a material fact, have created a movement that moves through time. They are eternal in our proletarian and communist movement. They have shed blood to bring us to where we are, and with them, with their contribution, with their example, the movement continues.
The fight for communism is a historical epic. It is a struggle of historical necessity. Our class cannot orientate itself in this struggle without a historical perspective. This emerges from the writings of our founders Marx and Engels, it emerges from the great Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao and Chairman Gonzalo. We cannot fight for our future today with enthusiasm and success without understanding our history – understanding that our history is a part of us and a part of our future. Our martyrs gave everything they had, and our class must and will never forget. Remembering our martyrs is a duty that we fulfil with pain-filled joy. They fell to communism and in our commemorations they continue to fight, especially for the hearts and souls of new generations of fighters.
We give these answers to the Turkish comrades. The comrades can edit our answers as they wish. We would like to take this opportunity to salute with our strongest proletarian internationalism the great TKP/ML, its leadership, the cadres and militants, the fighters of TIKKO and all the masses fighting under the leadership of the Party. We salute the martyrs and the memory with all our hearts. We salute our unity in the International Communist League and pledge our internationalist solidarity with the Party and revolution of Turkey.